
America - the Vanguard of The People's Global Revolution

  Our idiot American oligarchs think that the rise of capitalism in Russia and China means that Marxism has failed but it only means the failure of "Bolshevism".   The rise of the psycho-social mechanisms necessary for a transition from Feudalism to Communism doesn't exist without the intervening period of Capitalism ~ OOPSY!    The Menshevik's insistence on that particular aspect of Marxist purity is played out before our eyes today!    The Reaga-nomic initiative to destroy the Unions {dialectical opposition} thought that would end the Socialist ability to organize but the unions are back . . . OOPSIE!   Now we can all cry out with happy smiles:          WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE!  AMERICA IS THE VANGUARD OF THE PEOPLE'S GLOBAL REVOLUTION! YEEHAW!  __________ NOTES: [See Bolsheviks and Mensheviks ] ____

Sen. Bernie Sanders Calls For 21st Century Bill of Right

My friends, we are in the midst of a defining and pivotal moment for our country and our planet. And, with so many crises converging upon us simultaneously, it is easy for us to become overwhelmed or depressed – or to even throw up our hands in resignation.   But my message to you today is that if there was ever a moment in the history of our country where despair was not an option, this is that time.   If there was ever a moment where we had to effectively analyze the competing political and social forces which define this historical period, this is that time.   If there was ever a moment when we needed to stand up and fight against the forces of oligarchy and authoritarianism, this is that time.   And, if there was ever a moment when we needed a new vision to bring our people together in the fight for justice, decency and human dignity, this is that time.   In the year 2019 the United States and the rest of the world face two very diff...

Patriot Act Treason

The question of the 14th. Amendments' requisite oath to: "... Protect and Defend The Constitution of The United States" is, as you say, "Legally Binding", but the object of any law is, logically, its intended effect.         With that in mind, I would pose the following:        Is it reasonable to expect every government office-holder to become an expert in Constitutional Jurisprudence, lest he inadvertently "Act" to the detriment of 'The Constitution' and possibly to his own foolhardy vilification, and is that specifically 'The Defect' the provision sought to correct, or is it rather the work of those members who would stifle, or refuse participation to certain new members coming from the newly reconstituted "South"?      In any case, is the 14th. Amendment the best mechanism to address this or other threats to our nation today? I fear instead, a wholesale breakdown in the polity, where ...

Anonymous ~ Excellent statement on the transgender phenomena

    I'm fine with people making their own choices about their bodies and lifestyles, as long as they are safe and healthy. But today’s   Transgenderism   insists that we accept an ideology, indeed a metaphysical doctrine, to go along with gender transition.   We  are supposed to believe in some kind of  essential gender  that lives in the mind/brain and can be immediately and unmistakably recognized by the subject.   We  are supposed to believe that this gender identity is innate and not  culturally constructed.     Questioning the scientific or philosophical basis for this doctrine is deemed  politically incorrect .    There is no explanation given for what a gender identity is or how we can know about it, but it is packaged into animistic language that can be swallowed by any uneducated human.     - Anon     

The People's Manifesto: General Strike For Revolution August 16, 2020

  (Retweet, email, share, post on Facebook, Instagram, distribute as flyers, to any and everyone you can. Those you think will join you and those who won't. The greatest lie that has been put on people since civilization began was that they had no power. Collectively, we are unstoppable.  Only through division have we been suppressed. Anyone with a platform needs to spread the word. We have been divided years ago. Divided by our own group’s special interests. African Americans, Native Americans, Unions, LGBT, environmentalists, women’s rights, labor rights, anti-war activists and anti-corruption activists have all been reduced to focusing on their own agenda. A united front is what it will take to win back rights for all.   You may not agree with everything in this manifesto, but that is the price of solidarity. If you were offered 70% of the reforms you wanted but it meant 30% of the reforms you didn’t care about or were opposed to were also included, and you reject...

Presidential candidate Sen. Sanders, People of color, and his 'Paternalistic' appeal. 

       Normally, one would expect any culture to hold certain beliefs or understandings as settled, but the increasing factionalism, or polorization in our politics insist I preface my 'argument' with the clearly defined and precise ter m:      Paternalism; Def.:  n.                    1."feeling of a father for his children," 1851;"government as by a father over his children,"  1866,            2. [  ] "... governing [   ] in the manner of a father dealing benevolently and often intrusively with his children.            [  a. The underlieing rational being the myth of racial or cultural  superiority whose object is to benef...